Social Media Valuable Terms You Need To Know

social media valuable terms
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Every industry has its valuable term peculiar to what they do and the services they offer. In an ever-evolving industry like digital marketing/social media, new features are added daily and what this means is that there are new terms added as well. How well are you familiar with these terms will help you to understand trends and campaign results from your social media promotion.

Here, we have highlighted the various social media terms you should be conversant with as a social media manager or as a social media enthusiast.

Social Media Valuable Terms

Impressions: A single exposure of a message to one person in the target audience. The “exact” meaning is different per medium.

Gross or Total Impression: The simple addition of impressions.

Viewable Impressions: Standard measure of ad viewability defined by the International Advertising Bureau (IAB) to be an ad that which appears at least 50% on screen for more than 1 second.

Reach/Reach Percentage: The number of unique people exposed to a brand’s advertising one or more times. Reach is expressed at a percentage of the population base. You can also use the raw number but the percent provides more context.

Effective Reach: The percentage of the target audience that is exposed to the advertising schedule a sufficient number of times to produce a positive change in awareness, attitude, purchase action, etc. – based on the concept that exposure below the effective frequency has little or no value.

Exclusive Reach: Number of different persons who are exposed to one media vehicle in combination, and not any other vehicles.

Organic Reach: The number of people who saw the organic version of the post at least once without paid support.

Paid Reach: The number of people who saw the promoted version of the post at least once.

Average Frequency: The average number of times that each home (or person) is exposed to an advertising schedule or campaign over a defined time period.

SEE ALSO: Difference Between Organic and Paid Reach

Effective Frequency: The number of advertising exposures that are judged necessary to produce a positive change in awareness, attitude, or purchase action.

Engagements: A count of all social actions taken on a piece of content, such as likes, comments, and shares.

Engagement Rate: The frequency of engagement based on the number of times it was seen. Often calculated by engaged users divided by reach but differs by platform.

Video Views: The number of times your video was watched. Note: Each network counts a view differently:

Facebook and Instagram: 3 seconds for a video in the feed. However, a Story view is valid once the story starts playing.
LinkedIn: 3 seconds
Twitter and Pinterest: 2 seconds while at least 50% of the content is in view
Reddit & Snapchat: Once the video starts playing, the view is counted

Video View Rate: Measures the attention given to video content. Calculated by video views divided by reach.

View Completion Rate (VCR): The frequency of people watching the whole video out of everyone who watched any of the video. Calculated by dividing the number of video completions by the total number of video views.

Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions (CPM): Also called cost per mille, the aggregate cost for one thousand impressions, calculated by dividing the amount spent by the number of impressions and then multiplying by 1000.

Cost-Per-Click (CPC): The aggregate cost of each click within a campaign. We recommend only counting link clinks in this equation.

Click-Through Rate (CTR): The frequency links are clicked within a post based on the number of times it was seen. Calculated by the number of link clicks divided by reach.

Cost Per Engagement (CPE): The aggregate cost to garner one engagement. Calculated by dividing the amount spent by the number of engagements on the post.

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Cost-Per-Lead (CPL): The aggregate cost to acquire a lead through a campaign.

Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA): The aggregate cost to acquire a customer through a campaign.

Return On Ad Spend (ROAS): A measurement of ad spend efficiency usually calculated by value (e.g., purchases, scheduled events) divided by ad spend.

Ad Recall: Research technique used to measure the respondent’s ability to remember elements of an advertisement.